Creation of new OCR functionality for the distributed systems of Paycasso "Very Sure" and "Identity Sure".

    OCR is realized using algorithms of image processing, which change for every type of document of the world. OCR uses Neural Network

    Possibility of translating every fields of the document; using of C# and Mysql for developing . Please for more information click here.

  • Web Services

    Currently I'm creating a distributed system for a new project that creates Leases which my company Nisbets will sell to the customers ( Nisbets has done half Billion £ in 2016 and with this app the profit will grow again). I am the Architect, the designer, and the full stack Developer of this project. I create anything. I have designed the new database in SQL server( 3rd normal form) and too many T-SQL and store procedures, I have created the web services, the OOP objects and 2 different app for this system which run in two different servers + others 2 different databases of third parties located in others servers (Sql server, Sql oracle and Mysql. The project is too complicated). I use MVC for create the web app, also I use the entity framework for that (using C#, Asp.Net, MVC,WCF, SQL server, Javascript) .

    I have created also in MVC C# many functionalites that my Company needs in its Intranet website. For example I have created a refax page, in MVC intranet project. I created also new procedures in SQL microsoft and SQL Oracle(my company has many databases in SQL microsoft and SQL Oracle) and after that with the entity framework I have extended the new functionalites. These are just some example.

    You can see more information about this company here

  • Intranet insurance management

    I have developed with my old Team a Intranet management for a very import insurance ( West of England). I have developed about 50 pages as search criteria , create new organisations, create new polices, put new vessel, and many things. I used for this management VB.net, ASP.net, MSSQL, Javascript, CSS. In fact I was full stack developer. I created any things. Tables, procedures, transactions, front end pages, back end pages.

    For another famous client I have created many report (management insurance project) that this insurance needs for its work.

    You can see more information about this Insurance here

  • Netservice website

    I helped my company to create its website. I created Tables in Mysql, and I used java and HTML for create the pages.

    You can see more information about this Web Site here

  • Virtual Unrolling (Matlab)

    I have created a fantastic algorithm for the research. I have used MATLAB for create it, in fact I have done many functions and the result is an intelligent algorithm that scans the 3D image and it understand wich pixel must extrapolate for take the correct image unrolled. Probably the best algorithm of my career. The abstract is:

    The regular format for ancient works of literature was the papyrus roll. Recently many efforts to perform virtual restoration of this archaeological artefact have been made. In fact the case of ancient rolled papyrus is very intriguing. Old papyruses are the substrates of very important historical information, the use of papyrus probably being dated to the Pre-Dynastic Period. Papyrus degradation is often very extreme so that physical unrolling is sometime absolutely impossible. In this communication authors describe their efforts in setting a new virtual restoration methodology based on software manipulation of X-ray tomographic images. A realistic model, obtained by painting a hieroglyph inscription of Thutmosis III on a papyrus substrate made by the original method described by Plinius the Elder and by pigments and binders compatible with the Egyptian use (ochres with natural glue), was made for the X-ray investigation. A GE Optima 660 64 slice was used to obtain a stack of tomographic slices of the rolled model. Each slice appears as spiral. The intensity variations along the cross section result from ink on the papyrus. The files were elaborated with original software, written by the use of MATLAB high level language, and the final result was quite similar to the radiography of the physically unrolled sheet. The methodology can easily be transferred to other tomographic investigations such as NMR tomography. You can read the publication in the Journal Applied Physics A

    You can see more information about this to this website here. This project was presented on European material research society where has got a big success. In fact after that was publicated on the scientific journal Phisics A. You can see this here

  • Machine Learning

    Working within Paython using tensorflow library to create artificials neurons which are used to classify the images

  • Sphere Despatch (C#, MSSQL, XML)

    (Internal Software) Nisbets has many projects that are written in C# and also older projects in VB.Net. I have created an applications in C# , MSSQL, SQL Oracle using Entity framework. This app that I have created run in the server every X minutes, and so every X minutes executes a query to the Database, it get the data and also the app creates an XML file that will sent to a robot in a warehouse. This robot will do the packages that are necessary for the products that must be sent to the customers.

    After that, the carboards are ready, they are put on the conveyor and for this reason I have created Artificial intelligence into all the system of the warehouse , using T-SQL and C# ; when the carboards are on the conveyor the algorithm decides in run time which action the packages must be do, which zone it have to go because in each zone there are the employee which fill the carboard with the correct Item, it decides which carboards are associated ( a Despatch can have more than one cardboard) have to be updated, if they must be rejected; etc..

    You can see more information about this company here

  • Website booking and Data analysis

    I have created some pages using Asp.net, Vb.net, Javascript and MSSQL a Web app for a vey luxury agency of cottages (Premier Cottages). In this app it is possible view and books the cottages of United kingdom.

    I have also done Data analysis and statistics for Market research and Data warehouse using MSSQL excel and Visio.

    You can see this project here

  • Warehouse Application (Android, Java, Mysql, SqlLite)

    I have Created an app for Android. And another app java for all platforms using Linux, Java, Mysql and Eclipse ( Linux, Windows, OS x) This app is used for a warehouse of Netservice Solution (my old company) that needs to schedule every products which are in the warehouse, this products are subdived for category. It is also possible scan the barcode code for understand all history of the product, if there is some problem is possible write new informations, and many others functionalites that Netservice needs for its warehouse.

  • Firmware developing for Printer

    I have edited the firmware of the printer Olivetti PR2 and PR2e that the banks need for print their documents.

  • Securiy Identity

    Working on cryptography for the security of the digital images, creating a software which contains images and activation vectors for the neural network; using the most sophisticated security algorithms.

  • Windows form applications and Finacial Reporting

    (Intranet project) Every times Nisbets needs new functionalities and for this reson I edit apps that are done in Winforms( C# or VB) and also i fix the bugs of these apps.

    I create financial reporting automated for the market research and for the Business Department, Financial Department, Legal Department of Nisbets using MSSQL, SQL oracle and .Net.

    You can see more information about this company here

  • Compass Group

    I have extended functionalities for a very fomous web site using web services WCF (Windows Communication Foundation). In this Web site it is possible book a ticket of football and other things.

  • Resume app

    I have helped my collegues to develop an internal application for Net Service using Java and Mysql and JDBC. This app creates automatic invoices and a resume of the last months with inportants informations that Netservice needs for its market.

  • Software Data analysis

    (Infobit) For many Italian banks like "Unicredit" or "Banco popolare di lodi" and also for "Allianz" and others I have restored very sensity Data from the servers and also from the clients. This data were imposible restore because were corrupted, but with an accurated analysis I recovered the files.

    (Infobit) I have done Consultancy for these banks in particular for Excel creating macro function and any information that an IT Engineer can provide to help the customer.
