
Recently many efforts to perform virtual restoration of ar chaeological papyri have been proposed. Papyrus degrada tion is often very hard so that physical unrolling is sometime absolutely impossible. In this paper, a new virtual restoration methodology based on software manipulation of X-ray tomo graphic images is described. A realistic model, obtained by painting a hieroglyph inscription on a papyrus substrate made by the ancient method and using pigments compatible with the Egyptian use, was made for the X-ray investigation. The 259 slices obtained using a tomography were elaborated with original software in order to obtain a virtual result that is quite similar to the hypothetical unrolled sheet. You can Read the complete publication on the journal Applied Physics A here

1. Introduction

Image processing techniques have been successfully applied in many fields related to Cultural Heritage and can be also exploited in virtual restoration and preservation of ancient artifacts like parchments or papyri as part of the 'Archeomatica Project'. Parchment and papyrus are among the oldest media for storing text and images. Examples of typical use are related to the classical period of Egyptian civilization, where they were used to record historical events, business transactions or even trivial events (Fig. 6(a)). Indeed, during the excavation of archaeological sites are often found many ancient artifacts of this type, however it is not always possible to physically open the scrolls and read their contents (Fig. 2(b)). This hap pens for various reasons, such as the parchment may be too fragile and opening it would risk to introduce tears or creases, it could be now totally stuck or even afflicted by parasites and worms that have destroyed the paper. The common practice is to manually carefully remove one by one each layer of pa pyrus and recompose this kind of puzzle over a flat plane. This is an invasive practice and it is not more allowed by the recent trend of the restoration theory. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate new techniques for analyzing the content of parchments and papyri scrolls without the need to physically unroll them: such technique is called Virtual Unrolling. To perform virtual unrolling, in this work we present a technique based upon the use of X- ray tomographic images. Using a GE Optima 660 device for computed tomographies (CT), various 'slices' of a realis tic papyrus have been acquired. Each slice appears as spiral (Figs. 4(a) and 5(a)). Moreover, it is particularly interesting to note that when there are text or images in some area of the papyrus, then the corresponding spirals represented in vari ous slices contain areas that react more to X-rays, so they are highlighted with respect to the rest of the sheet. In order to make our study-case realistic, we realized a papyrus substrate made by the original method described by Plinius the Elder and we painted a hieroglyph inscription of Thutmosis III us ing pigments and binders compatible with the Egyptian use (ochres with natural glue). Subsequently, after CT acquisition of the papyrus, we have developed a software to process the slices acquired. In this work, we have implemented an automatic virtual un rolling method. Main aim of this automated procedure is to identify the path that should be followed to completely unroll papyrus. Moreover, we have also treated particular difficult cases, such as interrupted path or multiple path. Finally, once paths have been computed for (almost) all slices, then it is possible to properly exploit 3D volumetric data acquired using CT for virtual unrolling. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 contains references to related works and state-of-the-art. In Section 3 we report some useful technical specifications about device used for CT acquisition; the proposed algorithm for virtually unrolling is presented in Section 4. Some experi mental settings and results are shown in Section 5. Finally, we report conclusions about our work in Section 6.

2. Related Works

Physically unrolling could be problematic, in particular when scrolls are very fragile. For instance, in the 1980s 'Oslo method' was applied in an attempt to unroll two Hercula neum scrolls, but it results in partial destruction of them, and definitely in an irreversible loss for cultural heritage. For this reason, starting from that event all further attempts to physically unrolling papyruses or parchments had been aban doned in favor of digital techniques that could analyze scrolls without the need of physically open them. Some works stressed the possibility to use X-ray com puted tomography (CT) to inner analysis of rolled parchments and papyruses. In particular, archaeological site of Hercolanum is rich of carbonized parchments impossible to unscroll, so many groups have focused their efforts in analy sis of artifacts coming from this site. More recent works, that can use better CT devices with respect on works of some decades ago, continue to afford the issue of virtually unrolling. Furthermore, in all of them the acquired CT slices could even present spirals almost well-spaced, where layers are quite distinguishable between each others, or totally ill-spaced. In the first case, the prob lem of overlapping sheet could be solved in practical way; for instance, in authors applied an algorithm of Graph Cut for this purpose and used a 3D scanned version of papyrus. Besides, in the second one, the problem of entire parchment virtually unscrolling could be too complex, but some small parts of the sheet can be restored anyway; for example, in authors shown how problematic could be an ill-spaced spiral when ink has low contrast; they had selected some regions of the spiral and manually made them well-spaced; finally, they performed virtually unscrolling just on it. In this work, we present a novel automated method to solve virtual unrolling issue. Despite the aforementioned ap proaches, our algorithm does not use 3D scans, but images only. Moreover, the path is automatically detected, in spite of manual approaches cited. Finally a clever using of morpho logical operator is made, so a simple and efficient algorithm is guaranteed. This solution also fit the problem of interrupted paths

3. X-RAY Computed Tomography

Computed Tomography (CT) is a technique that using X-ray produces tomographic images, or simply 'slice', of an object or even a person. It is applied in medical contests to view the inner part of patient body. We used the GE Optima 660 device for CT acquisition of our study-case papyrus Fig. 2. Accord- ing to technical specifications, minimal isotropic spatial reso lution of this device is 0.35mm and it can provide until to 128 distinct projection measurements per rotation. Moreover, ap plication software provided with GE Optima 660 has an utility function that, through a path selected point-by-point by user,can perform a roughly virtual unroll of papyrus. However, this is an error-prone procedure, that could introduce artifacts and missing parts in the virtually unrolled version of the pa pyrus (Fig.1).

4. Proposed Method

The images we get from XCT represent the papyrus section, so these look like as spirals. For each papyrus section, the start and final point of the spiral should be identify in order to build an array of ordered pixel. Unfortunately, it is not easy to sort the points which compose the slice, because of the low resolution and some papyrus overlapping sheet. For this reason, we decided to use a single section profile and follow it for all the slices, assuming that there are few differences between a couple of different sections. The first step of the proposed algorithm is the selection of a good slice using the following criteria: 1) Low number of overlapping sheets into the slice. In the best case there is no overlaps; 2) The spiral path should be almost entirely detected througha raw segmentation.

4.1 Step 1: Slice selection

To satisfy first criteria the skeleton branch-points are detected using morphological operator. Specifically, the follow ing image segmentation is performed: 1) Gamma transformation with y = 2 and contrast stretching in order to highlighted the papyrus section; 2) Otsu thresholding to get a raw segmentation; 3) Morphological skeletonization to detect a first raw path; 4) Morphological branch-points detection to identify over laps; If a sheet overlap exists, then it produces a branch-point into the skeleton. Of course, not all the branch-points indicate a sheet overlap, since they could be image artifacts or papyrus creases. However we choose the slices with the lowest num ber of branch-points in order to minimize the probability that an overlap occurs. To satisfy the second criteria the number of skeleton points is counted for each papyrus slice, then the average number is computed. Finally, a slice with a number of skele ton points nearest to the average value is chosen. Skeletons with too few points describe slices poorly definite, while skeletons with too many points could be affected by noise.

4.2. Step 2: Slice reconstruction

Once a good slice is detected, the spiral must be rebuilt. First, we apply the preprocessing described above. Then the branch-points and their 3 x 3 neighbourhood are removed from the skeleton in order to disconnect the ramifications. Now the end-points are detected using the proper morpholog ical operator. The end-points are pixels which locate a break on the skeleton. So the user selects the start point and the final point of the spiral. This is the unique user interaction of the algorithm. Starting from the initial point, the 3 × 3 neighbourhood is take into account for each pixel and the following step are performed: 1) If into 3 x 3 neighbourhood there is a not visited skeleton point, which is not an end-point, then it is added to an array of visited point. You move on this new point and the algorithm continues. 2) If into 3 x 3 neighbourhood there is a not visited skele ton point, which is an end-point, then a break has been reached. To rebuild the missing path, the intensity grey value of the contrast stretched image is used (e.g., Fig. 4(b) and Fig. 5(b)). Specifically, the pixel of maxinum value is taken. However the 3 x 3 neighbourhood is weighted through a probability mask. There is a mask for each possible direction in 3 x 3 neighbourhood, so there are eight masks. These eight masks has built using a sam pled derivative of gaussian filters and weighs more the pixel along the last direction of movement. When a new end-points is reached two skeleton parts are reconnected. The algorithm ends when the final point is reached.

4.3. Step 3: Unrolling

The last step is the papyrus virtual unrolling. For each slice we select the sequence of pixel whose coordinates are stored in the vector of visited points. For each coordinate the pixels of maximum intensity along the direction of the gradient is chosen. Indeed sheet and text or image have an higher inten sity than background. In this way we obtain a string of pixels for each slice (e.g., in Fig. 3). By stacking all this string we get the image of the papyrus rolled out.

5. Experimental Results

To test the proposed approach a set of 259 slices of a single rolled papyrus has been used. The original size of the slice image is 512 x 512, but a crop to 175 x 175 has been per formed in order to focus on the papyrus spiral profile. Using the aforementioned criteria, a good slice has been automati cally selected: a section with 0 branch-points and a number of skeleton points near to average number. In Fig. 4 you can see the processing step for the chosen slice. However, to show the overlap problem a bad slice exam ple has been reported in Fig. 5. In in Fig. 5(d) the branch- points pixel locate on the overlapping area can be seen. Of course, the image in Fig. 4(d) is totally black because there is no branch-point detected. In Fig. 4(f) the reconstructed path after the step 2 is shown. Finally, using the array of visited points each of 259 spirals is unrolled. For each coordinate in the array, we take into account 25 pixel (according to resolution) along the gra dient direction and choose the maximum value. This strategy is motivated by the fact that there is some slight difference between the prototype path and every other spiral path.

Fig. 6 . (a) The original study-case unrolled papyrus; (b) A virtual unrolled version of the papyrus through the proposed algorithm; (c) A false color version of the image (b).

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a method for virtual unrolling of papyrus. This work is motivated by the criticality of a physi cal papyrus unrolling, because of the high risk to damage the cultural heritage. To solve this problem a X-Ray Computed Tomography device has been involved in order to scan the cross-section of the artifact. The input of the proposed algo rithm is a set of slices from a single CT acquisition. Through mathematical morphology the spiral path of a good slice is rebuilt, in order to be used as prototype path for every other slices. The experimental results show that this approach is valid, since many symbols of the original papyrus become visible after the virtual unrolling. In the future works we con sider to solve the overlapping sheets issue for each slice, so to use more than a single path. In this way a better and more accurate result could be obtained.